Help Stepdad Make Their First Album

One of the finest releases of last year was Stepdad’s debut EP Ordinaire which you can still buy for the ludicrous price of $1 and it’s thoroughly worth every one of that dollar. If you’re at all partial to dancey, melody-heavy, vast hipster indie pop then you should stop reading right here and go and download the sucker. Then come back, because I know you’ll want to read the next paragraph.

So Stepdad made an EP and have since been touring like mad folk around the States while writing their first full-length album. Now comes the time to step into the studio and turn those words and ideas into tangible sound waves and to help them accomplish that goal they have managed to rope in Chris Zane to produce. Zane is probably most well-known for producing Manners for Passion Pit and his extensive work with Les Savy Fav and Mumford & Sons, so he should be well-equipped for the task.

Now they just need money and that’s where we come in. If you, like yours truly, fell in love with Ordinaire and want to help out financially for the follow-up you can do so on their newly opened Kickstarter pledge. They’re looking for a total of $4000 and you can pledge as much or little as you want and get bonuses depending on how much you contribute.

Visit Stepdad on their homepage where you can buy Ordinaire for next-to-damn-nothing.

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